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Cultured Food Life

Mar 31, 2020

Our guts comprise at least 70% of our immune system and if your gut is healthy, guess what? Your immune system is too! Probiotic cultured foods are an important key but so is something else. Prebiotics are my new frontier of discovery, and all the things I am learning are blowing my mind. Check out the podcast to...

Mar 24, 2020

There is a lot of fear flying around about the flu and especially the coronavirus. If I can help you understand what happens in your body and how it works when you get the flu, or what you can do to protect yourself, then perhaps it will help you and make you feel more confident in your body's ability to heal and keep...

Mar 17, 2020

What is a prebiotic and why is this so important? Prebiotics are certain indigestible fibers that nourish the good bacteria in the large bowel or colon. The body itself cannot digest these foods, but our bacteria can, and we receive huge benefits. Learn more about how to get these special prebiotics into your diet and...

Mar 10, 2020

Goat milk was a godsend for my tiny daughter, Holli. She was born eight weeks premature and this little one rocked my world. Goat milk kefir really changed her little life and sent me on a mission to understand just what this kefir was doing. Goat milk has many properties that cow milk doesn't have and it can make a...

Mar 3, 2020

More and more scientists are finding a connection between probiotics, a healthy gut, and IBS. My daughter Maci had IBS when we first found cultured foods, and we found healing for her with the addition of cultured foods to her diet. Listen to the podcast to find out what we did and how many people are finding help...